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Tagged “security”

  1. HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2024 Writeup
  2. Pinot RCE, DataDog, your 2FA codes off the rails
  3. Apache Pinot Insecurity
  4. Salesforce Hardest Hitting Hacker
  5. ReDoS in Ruby net/http when parsing response headers
  7. Google CTF 2020 Writeup
  8. DEFCON:SM Car Hacking
  9. Python tarfile infinite loop DoS
  10. SocketIO / EngineIO DoS
  11. v380 IPcam: Firmware patching
  12. v380 IPcam: Move with SOAP
  13. SecTalks CTF: ROP + ASLR = 500¥
  14. User-agent parsing REDoS (CVE‑2020‑5243)
  15. Jenkins UDP ping-pong (CVE‑2020‑2100)
  16. Exploit Grafana (CVE‑2019‑15043)
  17. Two REDoS vulns in cpython
  18. Big Data Lake, Big Data Leak
  19. Apache Zeppelin Vulnerability + Metasploit
  20. Your S3 buckets are leaking
  21. What The Fuzz
  22. Man-in-the-middling Android apps
  23. Avoiding injection with taint analysis
  24. v380 IPcam: Hardware Hackz

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